SUGAR FREE WITH GANODERMA EXTRACT PROMOTES HEALTH WHILE GIVING YOUR COFFEE FIX LOADED WITH HEALTH BENEFITS. Regular coffee is dehydrating, acidic in nature and at high levels increases blood pressure. Switch to EDMARK Coffee 73, your ideal cup of coffee. Made from the highest quality coffee beans, Café 73 is sugar free but deliciously crunchy. Not only that, Café 73 contains Ganoderma lucidum (Ling Zhi) extract that does wonders for your health.
  • sugar-free but crunchy and delicious
  • strengthens the immune system and endurance
  • lowers blood sugar levels
  • extract of ganoderma which offers health benefits
  • oxygenates the body and balances the body ph
  • supports blood circulation and rejuvenates cells
  • supports memory and concentration
  • reduces blood pressure